Steering Committee The Colorado Jobs with Justice Steering Committee is the guiding force of the organization. It consists of one delegate from each official member organization of JwJ. The SC meets quarterly to assess potential campaigns and JwJ's involvement in them, commit to turnout for solidarity actions, and track ongoing progress of existing campaigns. It also serves as the “front door” to the organization – organizations considering joining, individual activists, etc, should attend a steering committee monthly meeting to become more familiar with JwJ. For more information about the steering committee contact [email protected] Member Organizations 9to5 Colorado Fight for 15 Colorado Education Association Ironworkers Local 847 Colorado Immigrant Rights Coalition (CIRC) International Union of Painters and Allied Trades (IUPAT) Colorado May Day Club Movimiento Poder CWA Local 7777 National Postal Mail Handlers Union Local 321 Denver Area Labor Federation (DALF) Towards Justice Denver Fair Food UFCW Local 7 Denver Newspaper Guild