OUR PILLARS Anti-Gentrification Gentrification displaces low-income families or, more often, prevents low-income families from moving into previously affordable neighborhoods. Gentrification is felt disproportionately by minority communities, whose residents have fewer options of neighborhoods. Gentrification is an intersectional issue that is deeply connected to how race, class, gender, sexuality, gender identity, age, ability, nation of origin, immigration status, physical and mental capacity, etc. impact individuals and our communities.
Workers Rights The American economy is not working for most Americans. While corporations and the wealthy continue to capture the rewards of a growing economy — working families and middle-class Americans are being left behind. From 1980 to 2020, average incomes for the bottom 90 percent of households increased just 1.1%, while average incomes for the wealthiest 1 percent increased more than 160%America’s working people deserve a voice in the rules of our economy. We believe increased accountability and responsibility must be required of our corporations and our capital markets. We will continue to campaign for increased corporate accountability.
Public Good We prioritize the health and wellbeing of Colorado communities it is essential to advocate for public recourses that benefit all members of any given community. There is no power in the individual. Power is harnessed by people and the fight for human rights and freedoms. We will always fight for improvements in infrastructure, public schools, access to safe food, clean air water and drinking water, and natural resources.